Subtitles and Accessibility

Subtitles translate spoken language into writing. Subtitling is used for film and television, in theatre and for conferences, in order to create accessibility, for example.

  • What Are Subtitles?

    A special field with various areas of application: subtitlers translate spoken language into writing. Subtitling is used for film and television, in theatre, at conferences. By using special software, short texts are formulated that reproduce the essential content of what is said, and can be placed correctly in the film during so-called spotting. an die passende Stelle im Film platziert werden können.

  • When Are Subtitles Used?

    Whether it be at international film festivals, for which a quick translation is needed of films that have not (yet) been dubbed, or for documentaries or film contributions on television or for video material at the run-up to or following conferences and conventions, subtitles are always used when footage is to be made accessible to another linguistic area. They also fulfil an inclusive function when they are used for live subtitling in television or at conferences. They enable the audience to have barrier-free access to your event.

  • How much does it cost?

    Subtitling is charged per film minute. Costs are based on the complexity of the subject, talking speed (words per minute) and speaking time in the film material. A distinction is made between intralingual subtitling within one language (e.g., German soundtrack with German subtitles) and  interlingual subtitling with translation into the foreign language (e.g., German soundtrack with English or Swedish subtitles). Please send us the relevant footage where possible. We are happy to provide you with a customised Quote.

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